As a "preferred grease supplier" we know the needs of the rolling bearing industry and its customers. Our lubricating oils and greases make bearings run more smoothly.
Multipress® extrusion oils provide for high pressure absorption and optimal temperature resistance for single and multi-staged presses for the forming of high-alloyed steel grades.
Multicor® (anti-corrosion agents) include powerful dewatering fluids as well as solvent-containing or solvent-free anti-corrosion agents for various applications
Zubora® cooling water-miscible lubricants meet the highest requirements in metal cutting and contribute to more efficient and environmentally friendly production processes.
non water-miscible Multicut® cooling lubricants are suitable for all cutting operations in the metal industry and provide maximum lubricating performance and efficiency.
Multidraw® lubricants offer customised solutions for wire drawing as well as for sheet metal forming for all materials.